Write for Us

Btechcrews welcomes unsolicited articles and blog posts. If you are interested in writing for us, we appreciate your this move.


Btechcrews is looking for creative writers and journalists who can produce high-quality content! Professional writers and editors, as well as passionate wordsmiths with experience in University Updates, Education policy, engineering insights, and technical writings, are encouraged to apply. 
Writing for us is a great way to showcase your technical expertise, gain exposure, and earn goodwill. We’re searching for passionate tech professionals to contribute tech-savvy articles to Btechcrews. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine technology. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a topic that’s keeping you up at night. Writing insightful articles boosts your reputation, enhances credibility, and increases brand recognition as a key influencer in the field of engineering education.

What we're looking for ?

We’re looking for industry professionals who are passionate to submit thought leadership articles to our blog. The articles can be on any technology on which we offer information (you can browse our website to get more info). However, we prefer Tech Articles and information insights related to educational sector. The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can give you. Keep in mind that we only accept original content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).

Before you submit, look at our style guide and recent articles for insight into structuring and formatting your piece, and make sure your submission:
Has a thesis and offers a clear argument—not just a list of tips and tricks.
Has a voice. Be bold, interesting, and human.
Is written for an audience of engineering students, professionals, tech industry experts, or similar.
Is supported with convincing arguments, not just opinions. Fact-check, and cite sources where appropriate.
Follows Btechcrews articles style guide or check recent posts.

What we publish

We publish articles of anywhere between 600–2,500 words, depending on subject complexity. 1,500 words is about average. Articles often run with a custom illustration. Articles may be casual in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited. All should be well-considered explorations of current and cutting-edge topics in the tech and education industry.
Submit a pitch to btechcrews@gmail.com OR follow Btechcrews submission guidelines.

To submit a pitch please include:

Hook of the article – what is the main point?
Include five bullet points on why this topic is important: why this topic is interesting to our readers.
Please make sure this topic is related to education, engineering, University updates, technical jobs, and that we haven’t covered it before. (use the search bar on Btechcrews).
How is this relevant and timely? Ex: A couple lines including a link to a study, reliable source news article, etc.
Include potential sources: relevant reports, links, articles that you’ll use as sources for the article.
Expert interview/opinions: please include idea/contact info for interviewee(s).
Send everything in one email to btechcrews@gmail.com with the mandatory subject line “Btechcrews Guest Article-reg.”

Submission Guidelines

The Guest authors or Writers who willing to write on Btechcrews.com should follow the below guidelines strictly. Any one violating the guidelines will be disqualified from Writing on this site and will be banned from Btechcrews.com without warning or notice.
The article has to be original, unique and not been published before.
It has to been backed by supporting data wherever necessary.
Please add proper references and linkbacks.
The article should be more than 600 words, highest limit 2500 words.
The article should be submitted either in HTML or Word document.
Comment is the back bone of blogging, be interactive and try to answer the questions by the users.
Provide Relevant images and videos, The maximum width of the image is 891px.
Copying others work will cause permanent banning from Btechcrews.com . We are respecting others work and this is strictly prohibited. In case, you are used any of others ideas don’t forget to give credit for them.
By submitting a post to Btechcrews.com, You are hand overing the copyright to us. That means you are not allowed to submit the same content to another site. Which will lead to copyright action.
You can connect to the external sources when needed (please provide open new tab option while linking external sources).
You are not allowed to add any type of affiliate links to your post.
You are not allowed to link to your blog for self promotion. Since you are allowed to put links on your profile at the bottom of every post you make.

About the Author Section

Authors should submit their short introduction besides other information below.
Company designation
Links to your website or blogs
Social media profiles (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

Be a Permanent Guest Author at Btechcrews

Kindly raise a request via email to associate yourself with the Btechcrews as a Permanent Guest Blogger. Before you proceed to Writing ,Make sure that you are read and understood the Guidelines for writing on Btechcrews.com.
Now start writing …
Go to Registration page and enter your User Name , Email id  and register with our system.
Your log in details will be mailed to your email address provided.
Now Go to Profile page and log in with the details which are available in mail you received.
Update your profile to enjoy benefits of guest blogging.
Submit article : Click here or Go to Posts ->Add New and write your post and click Publish..Make sure that you are entered all the necessary details.

How to submit (and what happens next)

Email us your submission. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. You may also send us a plaintext file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document. (Please do not send a ZIP file of assets unless requested by an editor.)

Where do I send my article?

You can mail us your piece of stuff at btechcrews@gmail.com.

What happens after we have received an article?

Once you have submitted an article, we will review your article, checking the content for accuracy. This process can take 3-5 days. Once the editorial process is complete, we will publish your article on our website. Although when you hit send then we follow the below procedure: 
An editor will review your submission and determine whether it’s a potential fit. If so, the whole team will review and discuss it. This happens once a week.
The editor will collect the team’s feedback and get back to you with notes. (We rarely accept an article the first time around, but we’ll tell you if we’re interested.)
Once you’ve addressed our comments, send your revised draft back. The team will discuss it again and let you know if we want to accept it.
If we accept your article, an editor will work closely with you on things like organization, argumentation, and style.
We’ll schedule you for publication as soon as revisions are complete. We can’t give you a specific publication date until the article is almost ready to go live.
Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.

Please note, we appreciate your time and effort spent on article pitches and guest posts, but due to the volume of content we receive, we cannot accept most of the pitches we receive. Also, Btechcrews reserves the right to edit, remove articles at its discretion.


Thanks for your comment.We appreciate with a positive response.
We’re enthusiastic to see your comment. However, Please Keep in mind that all comments are moderated manually by our human reviewers according to our comment policy, and all the links are nofollow. Using Keywords in the name field area is forbidden. Let’s enjoy a personal and evocative conversation.