College Affiliation Procedure under MTU/MMTU,NOIDA

C-22,  Sector 62, Noida

Affiliation of Colleges/Institutes to the University

1.  Affiliation Process
1.01    (a)  Applications for affiliation of AICTE approved Colleges/Institutes for introduction of new courses or for additional seats in existing courses shall be made in the format prescribed by the University so as to reach the University at least six months before the start of the succeeding academic session i.e. latest by 30th Dec. of that year, provided that the Executive Council (EC) may, in special circumstances, reduce the said period to such extent as deemed necessary in the interest of higher technical education.
               The requisite fees as per the relevant clause of the MTU Act, should accompany the application.
         (b) The application for affiliation of a College/Institute shall be accompanied by a letter of approval from the All India Council for Technical Education, along with a bank draft payable to the University, for a non-refundable sum of Rs. 10,000/- or as may be notified by the  University from time to time.
1.02    Before an application for affiliation is placed before the EC, the Vice-Chancellor may satisfy himself/herself with regard to the requirement of technical education in the discipline in the locality where the Institution is proposed to be setup.
1.03  If the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with regard to the requirement as spelt in Clause 1.01(b)       above, he/she shall appoint a Panel of Experts to inspect the College/Institute and make a detailed report (as per the prescribed Performa) on all relevant matters along with recommendations on eligibility. For the purposes of inspection, the college management shall be required to deposit Rs. 50,000/-, or an amount as duly notified by the University, as inspection fee.
1.04 Ordinarily, all inspections shall be completed within 2 months of the receipt of an application for affiliation.
1.05 The report of the inspection by the Panel of Experts (Clause 1.03) shall be examined by a committee consisting of:
·         An eminent educationist to be nominated by EC – Chairman
·         A Director/Principal of an autonomous College/Institute,  or of a College/ Institute with at least 10 years of  existence to be appointed by EC – Member
·         Two senior professors of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor of University Members:
         who shall make their recommendations to the EC.

1.06 The recommendations of the Committee (Clause 1.05 above) shall be considered by the EC. If it finds that the requesting College/Institute deserves affiliation it shall recommend so for a period normally of 1 year, but up to 3 years in exceptionally deserving cases of Colleges/Institutes with a good standing of at least 3 years, depending on the merit of the case, to the State Government as per the requirements of the relevant Clause of the MTU Act.  Renewal of affiliation shall be granted for a period of 3 to 5 years subject to the previous record of having satisfied all applicable affiliation conditions being required from the College/Institute.
1.07  Upon receipt of the State Government approval, the University shall grant affiliation to the College/Institute concerned and shall extend to it all privileges of affiliation. The process of approval of grant or refusal of grant of affiliation should ordinarily be completed before April 30 of that year in which the College/Institute is expected to start the classes.
1.08 No application for affiliation in a new subject shall be considered unless a certificate in writing is issued by the Registrar of the University to the effect that the conditions of previous affiliation have been fulfilled in total. The EC, however, may make exemption in cases where the deficiencies are of minor nature and the EC feels that these can be rectified by the College/Institute Institute in a given time frame fixed by the EC.
2.  Regulations and Governing Conditions
2.01 The Management of every College/Institute (other than a College/Institute exclusively maintained by the State Government or by a local Authority) that shall be affiliated shall deposit a sum of money to the University as endowment funds as per norms decided from time to time. The currently applicable amounts for endowment funds are annexed as Appendix-'A'. These funds shall not be alienated so long as the College/Institute continues to exist.
2.02 Where the affiliation to a College/Institute is granted subject to certain conditions, the College/Institute shall not admit or register students till the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied , after due inspection,  that the conditions laid down have been met and he/she permits,  in writing, the College/Institute to go ahead with the admissions/registrations.
2.03 Every affiliated College/Institute shall give an affidavit to fully and strictly abide by the Rules and Regulations as laid down by the University from time to time regarding admissions, academic activities, infrastructure and discipline.
2.04 Every affiliated College/Institute shall have in its employment the required number of staff and teachers having qualifications, grades of pay and other conditions of services as may be laid down from time to time in the Ordinances of the All India Council for Technical Education in this regard and ratified, in writing, by the University in consultation with the State Government.  It shall be incumbent on the part of the management of the College/Institute to ensure that the salaries to its employees are paid every month within a week of the succeeding month. Repeated non-compliance of this requirement may lead to de-affiliation of the College/Institute.
2.05 When the office of Principal/Director of an affiliated College/Institution falls vacant, the Management may appoint any senior teacher to officiate as Principal/Director, for a period of six months or until the appointment of a regular Principal/Director, whichever is earlier. Any such appointment shall be intimated to the University and its approval sought. The tenure of officiating Director/Principal shall in no case exceed six months.
2.06 (a)   Every affiliated College/Institute shall provide details of any information as and when required by the University within the specified time.
         (b)    Every affiliated College/Institute shall be required to maintain its websites and upload the College/Institute related data in the format as prescribed by the AICTE and the University from time to time.
2.07  (a)  The EC or the Vice-Chancellor may order inspection of any affiliated College/Institute any time.  The result of such inspection together with the views thereon and directions to the Management regarding the action to be taken shall be communicated to the College/Institute by the Vice-Chancellor.
         (b) Where the Management of an affiliated college does not take action to the satisfaction of the Executive Council, it may after considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the Management, issue such directions as it may think fit, and the Management shall comply with such directions failing which the EC may proceed to take action under or in accordance with the relevant Clause/Regulation of the University Act.           
2.08  Information regarding all teaching staff positions that fall vacant permanently or temporarily for more than a month and do not get filled within one months of their falling vacant, shall be communicated to the University within one month of their falling vacant.
2.09  The number of students admitted in a course/discipline in an affiliated College/Institute shall not, except    with previous permission of the All India Council for Technical Education, exceed the sanctioned strength.
2.10  The Executive Council may decrease the next year intake of the course(s) of the affiliated College/Institute up to a number which it thinks as a deterrent for errors committed by the college in an academic year.  Any other measures, as considered appropriate, may also be imposed.
2.11 Continuance of affiliation shall depend on continued fulfillment of conditions laid down by the University from time to time.
2.12  An affiliated College/Institute shall be deemed to have been de-affiliated if it fails to send up enrolled candidates for the examinations conducted by the University for three successive years.

2.13 Executive Council may direct an affiliated College/Institute not to admit students to a particular course if  the conditions laid down for starting the course have, in the opinion of the EC, been disregarded  by the College/Institute concerned. The classes may, however, be restarted with prior permission of the EC if the conditions are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the EC.
2.14 If a College/Institute disregards the requirements of the University regarding the fulfillment of the conditions of affiliation and fails to fulfill the conditions in spite of notice issued by the University, the EC may with the prior sanction of the State Government suspend the affiliation till the conditions are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the EC.
2.15 (a)   The EC may, with the prior sanction of the State Government, decline an affiliated College/Institute of the privileges of affiliation, either wholly or partly, if it fails to comply with the directions of the EC or fails to fulfill the conditions of affiliation or for gross mismanagement, or if for any other reason the EC is of the opinion that the College/Institute should be deprived of such privileges.
         (b)If the salaries of the staff are not paid regularly or if the teachers are not paid their salaries to which they are entitled under the relevant Regulation/ Ordinance of the University, the College/Institute would be liable to withdrawal of affiliation within the meaning of the Regulations.
2.16  The Executive Council shall, before taking any action under the preceding Regulations, duly notify the College/Institute and provide reasonable opportunity to the College/Institute management to put forth their view point in the matter.
2.17 If any affiliated College/Institute is seeking de-affiliation or closure of existing courses, it can apply to the University which, after examining the merits of the case, especially from the point of view of future of the students involved, shall, with the prior sanction of the State Government, de-affiliate the college or allow the closure of the said course through a decision of the E C.
2.18 Whenever there is a dispute, as reported to or found by the Vice-Chancellor, regarding the  Management of an affiliated College/Institute and the persons in actual possession and in control of the College/Institute properties, the persons in control may be recognized to constitute the Management of such college for purposes of this Act and these Regulations, provided that before making an order under this provision, the Vice-Chancellor  shall provide an opportunity to the rival claimants to make written representation and,  if necessary,  provide an opportunity of personal hearing to them.
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