Affiliated Colleges List
Sr. No | Institute Code | Name of the Institution | Code of the Branches/Courses (Intake) | Course-wise Total Seats |
1 | 001 | Anand Engineering College, Artoni, Agra | CS(120), EN(120), EC(120), EI(120), IT(120), ME(120), CH(120), BT(120), CE(120) MCA(60), MBA(120) | B.Tech: 1080 MCA:60, MBA:120 |
2 | 002 | Faculty of Engg. & Technology, Agra College, Agra | CE (60),CS(120), EC(120), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
3 | 003 | Hindustan Institute Of Technology And Management, Agra | EI(60) CS(90), EC(180), EN(120), IT(90), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 540, MBA: 60 |
4 | 004 | Raja Balwant Singh Engineering Technical Campus, Agra. | CH(60), CS(90), EC(90), FT(60), ME(60), BT(60), AR:60 | B.Tech.: 420, B.Arch:60, B.Pharma:60 |
5 | 006 | Agra Public Institute of Technology & Computer Education, Artoni, Agra | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
6 | 007 | Shivdan Singh Institute of Tech. & Management, Aligarh | AG(60), CS(90), EC(90), CE(60), EN(90), IT(60), ME(120), MBA(120), MCA(60),BP(90) | B.Tech.: 570 B.Pharm: 90 MBA:120,MCA:60 |
7 | 013 | ShriGopi chand college of Pharmacy, Baghpat. | B.Pharma (60) | B.Pharma (60) |
8 | 017 | Veera Engineering College, Bijnore | CE (60),CS(60), EC(60), EE (60) , ME (60) ,BT(60), MBA:120, | B.Tech: 360 MBA:120 |
9 | 018 | Babu Banarasidas Institute of Engineering Technology & Research Centre, Bulandshahar | CS(120), EN(30), EI(30), EC(120), IT(30), ME(90), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60 |
10 | 019 | Marathwada Institute of Technology, Bulandshahar | CS(90), EC(90) IT(30), ME(90), AG(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MCA: 60 |
11 | 027 | Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), EN(120), EI(60), IT(120), ME(120), MCA(120) | B.Tech: 660 MCA: 120 |
12 | 028 | Ideal Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad | CE(60), CS(120), EC(120), EN(90), IT(60), ME(120), MBA(120),MCA(180) | B.Tech.: 570 MBA:120, MCA: 180 |
13 | 029 | Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad | CS(180), EC(120), EN(120),EI(60), CE(120) IT(120), ME(120),MCA(120), MBA(120) | B.Tech: 840 MBA: 120 MCA: 120 |
14 | 030 | Inderaprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad | CE(120), CS(180), EC(180), IT(60), ME(90), EN(60), MCA(120), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 690 MCA:120,MBA:60 |
15 | 032 | ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad | EN(120), CS(120), EC(180), IT(60), ME(90),CE(60), MCA(60), MBA(120) 2nd Shift: CS(60), EC(60) | B.Tech: 630 + 120 MCA:60,MBA:120 |
16 | 033 | Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120), EN(60), AI(30), BP(60), MBA(60), MCA(120)2nd Shift: EC(60), CS (60), ME(60) | B.Tech.: 480+180 B.Pharm: 60 MBA:60,MCA:120 |
17 | 035 | Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology, Duhai, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120), EI(30), MBA(60), MCA(60)2nd Shift: EC(60), CS (60), | B.Tech.: 450+120 MCA:60: MBA:60 |
18 | 036 | Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad | MCA(120) | MCA:120 |
19 | 037 | Institute of Management Education, Ghaziabad | MCA(120) | MCA:120 |
20 | 038 | Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad | MCA(120), MBA(120) | MCA:120,MBA:120 |
21 | 039 | Institute of Management & Research, Ghaziabad | MCA(120), MBA(60) | MCA(120), MBA(60) |
22 | 064 | Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura | BT(120), CE(120), CS(120), CH(90), EC(120), EI(120), EV(60), IT(120) EN(120) ME (120) ,AU (120) MBA(120) | B.Tech. :1230 MBA: 120 |
23 | 065 | B.S.A. College of Engineering & Technology, Mathura | CS(60), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120), AU(60),EE(60)., MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA:60, MCA:60 |
24 | 066 | Rajeev Academy for Pharmacy, Mathura | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
25 | 067 | Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura | MBA(120), MCA(90) | MBA:120 MCA:90 |
26 | 068 | Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut | BP(60), BT(60), CE(60), CH(50), CS(180), EC(90), EI(60), IT(90), ME(120), MCA(150), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 710 B.Pharm:60 MBA:60; MCA:150 |
27 | 069 | Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut | CS(120), EC(120), EE(60), EI(60), IT(120), ME(120), CE(120) | B.Tech.: 720 |
28 | 070 | College of Engineering & Rural Technology, Meerut | CS(60), EC(120), EI(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60 |
29 | 072 | IIMT Management College, Meerut | MBA(180), MCA(180) 2nd shift MBA:60 | MBA:180+60, MCA:180 |
30 | 074 | Dewan Institute of Management Studies, Meerut | MBA(120), MCA(90) | MBA:120 MCA:90 |
31 | 077 | Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CH(60), CS(120), EC(120), EE(60), IT(60), ME(60), MCA(60), MBA(120) | B.Tech.: 480 MCA:60, MBA: 120 |
32 | 078 | Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sc. & Research, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
33 | 079 | Unique Institute of Management, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | MBA(120), MCA(45) | MBA:120,MCA: 45 |
34 | 082 | Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad | CE(60), CS(120), CH(60), EI(60), EC(180), EN(60), EE(60),IT(90), ME(120), 2nd Shift: CS (60, EC(60),MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 810+120 MBA:60 |
35 | 083 | S.D.College of Engineering and Technology, Muzaffarnagar | BT(30), CH(30), CS(45), EC(60), IT(45), ME(60),CE(60), | B.Tech: 330 |
36 | 084 | Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Muzaffar Nagar | CE(60), CS(90), EC(120), EI(30), EN(60), IT(60), ME(90),2nd Shift: CS (60, EC(60),MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 510 +120 MCA:60, MBA:60 |
37 | 085 | S.D.College of Management Studies, Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar | MBA(120), MCA(120) | MBA:120, MCA:120 |
38 | 090 | IEC, College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida | BP(60), CS(180), EC(180), IT(120), ME(180), EE(120),CE(90),EI(60), AU(60), 2nd Shift: CS (60), EC(60),ME(60),MCA(60), MBA(120) | B.Tech:990+180 B.Pharm.: 60 MCA:60,MBA:120 |
39 | 091 | J.S.S.Academy of Technical Education, Noida | CS(120), EC(120), EE(120), CE(60) IC(60), IT(120), ME(120), MF(60), MCA(90), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 780 MBA:60, MCA:90 |
40 | 092 | Priyadarshani College of Computer Sciences, Gr. Noida. | CS(120), EC(120), EI(60), IT(120), CE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA: 60 |
41 | 093 | Ram Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, Gr. Noida | BP(180) | B.Pharm.:180 |
42 | 094 | G.I.M.T. Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida | MBA(120), MCA(120) | MBA:120 MCA:120 |
43 | 095 | Mahatma Gandhi Mission College of Engineering & Technology, Noida | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech.: 360 |
44 | 096 | Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering, & Technology, Dadri,Greater Noida Phase -II,G B Nagar | CS(120),ET(120), IT(60), ME(120), EN(120),EC(60) MBA(120), MCA(90) | B.Tech. :600 MBA:180,MCA:90 |
45 | 097 | Galgotia's College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida | EI(120), CS(120), EC(120),EE(60), IT(120), IC(60), CE(120), EN(120), ME(120), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 960 MCA:60 MBA:60 |
46 | 098 | Institute of Management Studies, Noida | MCA(60) | MCA:60 |
47 | 099 | Harlal Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida | MBA(120), MCA(120) | MBA:120 MCA:120 |
48 | 100 | Amity School of Computer Science, Noida | MCA(120) | MCA:120 |
49 | 103 | Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Saharanpur | CS(90), EC(90), EI(90), IT(90),ME(60) | B.Tech.: 420 |
50 | 109 | Aligarh College of Engg. & Technology, Aligarh | CS(90), EC(90), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60), AG(60), MBA(60),MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60, MCA:60 |
51 | 113 | Integrated Academy of Management & Technology, Ghaziabad | MCA(60) | MCA:60 |
52 | 114 | Institue of Professional Excellence & Management, Ghaziabad | MBA(120), MCA(60) | MBA:120 MCA:60 |
53 | 115 | Advance Institute of Management, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
54 | 116 | Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad | MBA(180), | MBA:180 |
55 | 117 | Ram Chameli Chaddha Vishwas Girls College, Ghaziabad | MCA(45) | MCA(45) |
56 | 126 | Sachdeva Institute of Technology, Mathura | CS(120),EC(120),IT(60),ME(120), CE(60),2nd Shift: ME(60),EC(60),MBA(120) | B.Tech.: 480+120 MBA:120 |
57 | 127 | IIMT Engineering College, Meerut | CS(120),EC(120),IT(120),ME(180),EN(90), CE(120), IC(60), AI(60) 2nd Shift: ME(60), CS(60),CE(60)MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech. :870+180 MBA:60, MCA:60 |
58 | 128 | Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut | BP(60), CS(120), EC(120), EN(60), IC(30) , IT(120), ME(120), CE(120),CH(60), MBA(60),MCA(90) | B.Tech.: 810 B.Pharm.: 60 MBA:60, MCA:90 |
59 | 129 | Forte Institute of Technology, Meerut | MBA(120), MCA(90) | MBA:120,MCA:90 |
60 | 132 | Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Gr. Noida | CS(60), EC(180), EI(60), IT(60), ME(180), CE(120), EE(60), 2nd Shift: CS (60),EC(60) MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 720+120 MBA:60; MCA:60 |
61 | 133 | Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology, Gr. Noida | BP(120), CS(180), EC(180), IT(120), ME(180),EN(120),CE(120),CH(60), 2nd Shift: ME(60),EC(60),CS(60)MBA(120), MCA(60) | B.Tech :840+180 B.Pharm.: 120 MBA:120, MCA:60 |
62 | 136 | S.D. College of Pharmacy & Vocational Studies, Muzaffarnagar | BP(60) | B.Pharm.:60 |
63 | 143 | IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120),EN(60) IT(60), BT(60), ME(120), EN(60),2nd Shift: ME(60),EN(60),CS(60),EC(60), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech:540+240 MCA:60, MBA:60 |
64 | 146 | B.D.S. Institute of Management, Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
65 | 147 | College of Engineering Technology, Moradabad | CS(120), EC(120), IT(90), BT(60), ME(120), MBA(60) | B.Tech. :510 MBA:60 |
66 | 148 | Teerthankar Mahaveer Institute of Management & Technology, Moradabad | MBA(120), MCA(60) | MBA:120 MCA:60 |
67 | 149 | Centre for Management & Tech., Gr.Noida | MBA(60), MCA(60) | MBA:60,MCA:60 |
68 | 150 | College of Engineering & Tech., IILM Academy for Higher Learning, Gr. Noida | BT(60), CS(120), EC(120), EN(60), ME(60), MBA(120), MCA(60) | B.Tech. : 480 MBA:120,MCA:60 |
69 | 151 | Global Institute of Information Technology, Gr. Noida | MCA(60), MBA(60) | MCA:60, MBA:60 |
70 | 152 | Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida | MBA(180) | MBA:180 |
71 | 153 | Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida | CS(120),CE(180),EC(180), ME(180), EN(120), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 780 MBA:60,MCA:60 |
72 | 157 | Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Meerut | HM(120) | BHMCT: 120 |
73 | 158 | Janhit Institute of Education & Information, Gr. Noida | MBA(180) | MBA: 180 |
74 | 159 | J.P. Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Meerut | HM(90) | BHMCT: 90 |
75 | 161 | Krishna Enginering College, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(180), EN(60), ME(60), IT(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MCA:60 |
76 | 170 | I.T.S. Paramedical College, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad | BP(120) | B.Pharm.:120 |
77 | 172 | Llyod Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida | BP(120),MBA(240) | B.Pharm.:120 MBA:240 |
78 | 173 | Rajeev Academy for Technology & Management, Mathura | MBA(180), MCA(60) | MBA: 180, MCA:60 |
79 | 174 | Kishan Institute of Information Technology, Meerut | MBA(90) | MBA:90 |
80 | 175 | Al Barkat Institute of Management Studies, Aligarh | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
81 | 182 | Kalka Institute for Research & Advanced Studies, Meerut | BP(60),MCA(45), MBA(60), | B.Pharam:60 MCA:45 MBA:60 |
82 | 183 | Pt. Sujan Singh Degree College, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
83 | 185 | I.I.M.T. Hotel Management College, Meerut | HM(180) | BHMCT:180 |
84 | 192 | Ganeshi Lal Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Gr. Noida | CS(120),EC(120),EN(60),ME(60), IT(120), CE (60),MBA(60)., MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 540 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
85 | 193 | United College of Engineering & Research, Gr. Noida | CS(120), EC(180), EN(60), ME(120), IT (60), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 540 MCA: 60, MBA:60 |
86 | 194 | H.R.Institute of Technology, Morta, Ghaziabad | CS(120),EC(120),EN(60),ME(60), IT(60) , CE(60), 2nd Shift: CS(60),EC(60) MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 480+120 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
87 | 195 | KNGD Modi Engineering College, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CS(90),EC(60),EN(60),ME(60), CE(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 330, MCA: 60 |
88 | 198 | IIMT College of Medical Sciences, Meerut | BP(120) | B.Pharm:120 |
89 | 199 | KIET School of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad | BP(120) | B.Pharm: 120 |
90 | 201 | NKBR College of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Meerut | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
91 | 204 | R.V.Northland Institute, Dadri, G.B.Nagar | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
92 | 206 | Translam Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Rajpura, Mawana Road, Meerut | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
93 | 207 | Vishveshwarya Institute of Medical Sciences, Dadri, G.B.Nagar | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
94 | 210 | Vivek College of Technical Education, Bijnore | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
95 | 211 | Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute, Greater Noida | MBA(120), MCA(60) | MBA: 120 MCA: 60 |
96 | 212 | United Institute of Management, Greater Noida | MBA(180) | MBA: 180 |
97 | 214 | H.I.M.T. College of Pharmacy, Greater Noida | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
98 | 215 | Sri Ganpati Institute of Technology, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad | BP(60), EC(120), CS(90), EN(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 450 B.Pharm.:60 |
99 | 216 | I.I.M.T. College of Engineering, Gr. Noida | CE(60), CS(120), EI(60), ME(60), EC(60), IT(60), 2nd Shift: EC(60),ME(60), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 420+120 MBA:60, MCA: 60 |
100 | 217 | D.J.College of Pharmacy, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
101 | 219 | Bhagwant Institute of Pharmacy, Muzaffarnagar | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
102 | 220 | Hi-Tech Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad | AI(60), CS(90), EC(90), IT(60), EE(60), ME(120), 2nd Shift: ME(60),EC (60), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 480+120 MBA:60, MCA: 60 |
103 | 222 | I.T.S Engineering College, Gr. Noida | CS(120), EC(90), EN(60), ME(120), IT(60), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 450 MCA:60, MBA:60 |
104 | 223 | Viveknanad Institute of Technology & Science, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), EN(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 480 MBA: 60 |
105 | 224 | Lord Krishna College of Engineering, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(90), EN(120), ME(60), IT(90), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 480 MBA: 60 |
106 | 225 | Accurate Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida | CS(120), EC(120), EN(60), IT(120), ME(120), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 540 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
107 | 226 | D.J.College of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(120), EN(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 450 MBA: 60 |
108 | 227 | Innovative College of Pharmacy, Gr. Noida | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
109 | 229 | Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut | CS(90), EC(90), EI(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60), MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 420 MCA: 60, MBA:60 |
110 | 230 | Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gr. Noida | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120), EN(60),CE(60), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 540 MBA:60,MCA(60) |
111 | 231 | R.D.Engineering College, Duhai, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 420 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
112 | 232 | Adarsh Vijendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gangoh, Saharanpur | BP(60) | B.Pharma: 60 |
113 | 234 | Aligarh College of Pharmacy, Aligarh | BP(60) | B.Pharma: 60 |
114 | 237 | H.R.Institute of Hotel Management, Morta, Ghaziabad | HM(60) | B.HMCT:60 |
115 | 238 | NIMT Institute of Hospital & Pharma Management, Gr. Noida | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
116 | 239 | Ishwarchand Vidyasagar Institute of Technology, Akbarpur, Mathura | CS(120), IT(120), EC(60), EN(60), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 420 MBA: 60 |
117 | 240 | Sunderdeep Engineering College, Dasna, Ghaziabad | CS(120), IT(60), EC(180), EN(60), ME(120), MBA(120), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 540 MBA:120, MCA:60 |
118 | 243 | College of Pharmacy, Jakhoda, Agra | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
119 | 244 | Anand College of Pharmacy, Agra | BP(120) | B.Pharm.: 120 |
120 | 245 | H.R.Institute of Pharmacy, Morta, Ghaziabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
121 | 247 | I.I.M.T. College of Pharmacy, Gr. Noida | BP(120) | B.Pharm.: 120 |
122 | 249 | Sri Ram College of Management, Muzaffarnagar | MBA(120), MCA(60) | MBA:120 MCA:60 |
123 | 250 | B.B.S.Institute of Management Studies, Gr. Noida | MBA(90), MCA(60) | MBA:90, MCA: 60 |
124 | 252 | Sanjay Institute of Engineering & Management, Mathura | AI(60), CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60),ME(60),MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech: 420 MBA:60, MCA: 60 |
125 | 255 | J.S. Institute of Management & Technology, Shikohabad | CE(60),CS(90), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60), EN(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 450 MBA:60 |
126 | 256 | DNS College of Engineering & Technology, J. P. Nagar | CS(120),EC(90),EN(60),IT(90),CE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60 |
127 | 259 | Sunderdeep Pharmacy College, Dasna, Ghaziabad | BP(120) | B.Pharm.: 120 |
128 | 263 | Vidya College of Business, Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
129 | 266 | LTR Institute of Technology, Dharamsala-Bhagpat Road, Meerut | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
130 | 267 | Sanjay College of Pharmacy, Mathura | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
131 | 270 | IEC Institute of Hotel Management, Greater Noida | HM(60) | BHMCT: 60 |
132 | 271 | Bharat Institute of Technology (MBA Institute), Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
133 | 272 | Greater Noida Institute of Technology (MBA Institute), Greater Noida | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
134 | 273 | Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology, (MCA Institute ), Greater Noida | MCA(120) | MCA: 120 |
135 | 275 | M.D.College, Sikandara, Agra | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
136 | 276 | Deen Dayal College of Management, Muzaffarnagar | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
137 | 277 | Patronage Institute of Management Studies, Gr. Noida | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
138 | 278 | Aryan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Agra | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
139 | 279 | Sri Ram Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida | MBA(180) | MBA: 180 |
140 | 280 | Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur | CS(90), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(120), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 390 MBA:60, MCA:60 |
141 | 282 | J.P.Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut | CE(60), CS(90), EC(90), IT(90), ME(120), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 450 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
142 | 285 | Institute of Technology & Managemenet, Meerut-Baghpat Road, Panchli, Meerut | CE(60), CS(90), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 330 MBA: 60 |
143 | 286 | Vishveswarya Institute of Technology, Dadri,Greater Noida Phase -II,G B Nagar | CE(120), CS(60), EC(120), IT(60),ME(60) MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
144 | 288 | Venkateshwara Institute of Technology, Delhi- Rorrkee Bypass, Jatoli, Meerut | CS(60), EC(120), IT(60), EN(60), ME(60),CE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60 |
145 | 289 | Institute of Engineering & Management, Mathura | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), EE(60), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 300 MBA:60 |
146 | 290 | ABES Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), EN(60), ME(60), MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60, MCA:60 |
147 | 291 | DIT School of Engineering, Greater Noida | CS(120), EC(120), IT(60), EN(60), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60 |
148 | 292 | Meerut Institute of Technology, Baral, Partapur, Meerut | CS(90), EC(120), IT(90), EN(60), ME(120), MBA(60), MCA(120) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA: 60, MCA:120 |
149 | 295 | B.B.S. Institute of Pharmacutical & Allied Science, Greater Noida | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
150 | 299 | Doon College of Education, Saharanpur | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
151 | 305 | Aryabhatt College of Engineering & Technology, Bagpat | CE(60), CS(90), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 330 MBA:60 |
152 | 306 | Disha Institute of Science & Technology, Dhampur, Bijnore | MBA(60),MCA(60) | MBA: 60,MCA(60). |
153 | 308 | Ishwar Chand Vidya Sagar Institute of Management, Akbarpur, Mathura | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
154 | 309 | Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60), EN(60),CE(60),MCA(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech:420 MCA: 60, MBA:60 |
155 | 311 | Deewan V.S. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), EE(60),EI(60), ME(60),EN(60),CE(60) MBA(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA: 60, MCA:60 |
156 | 312 | ABSS Institute of Technology, Mawana Road, Meerut | CE(60),CS(120), EC(90), IT(60), ME(60), MBA(60), | B.Tech.: 390 MBA: 60, |
157 | 318 | Vidya Institute of Fashion Technology, Baghpat Road, Meerut | FD(60) | BFAD: 60 |
158 | 321 | Translam Institute of Technology & Management, Mawana Road, Meerut | CE(60), CS(60), IT(60), EC(60), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 300 MBA:60 |
159 | 322 | DCS College of Pharmacy, Raya, Mathura | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
160 | 323 | Spectrum Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Research, Greater Noida | BP(120) | B.Pharm.: 120 |
161 | 324 | Anjali College of Pharmacy & Sc., Etmadpur, Agra | BP(60) | B.Pharm.: 60 |
162 | 326 | Sunder Deep College of Hotel Management, Dasna, Ghaziabad | HM(60) | BHMCT: 60 |
163 | 327 | Sunder Deep College of Architecture, Dasna, Ghaziabad | AR (120), ID (40) | B.Arch: 160 |
164 | 328 | Sunder Deep College of Engineering & Technology, Dasna, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(90), EC(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 390 MBA:60 |
165 | 329 | Ghaziabad Institute of Management & Technology, UP Jal Nigam Road, Dasna, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(90), EC(60), IT(60), ME(120), MCA:60 | B.Tech.: 390 MCA:60 |
166 | 330 | Saraswati Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), CE (60), MBA:60 | B.Tech.: 330 MBA:60 |
167 | 331 | Devender Singh Institute of Technology & Management, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), MBA:60 | B.Tech.: 300 MBA:60 |
168 | 332 | Maharaja Agrasain Institute of Technology, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(60), ME(120), IT(60), MBA:60 | B.Tech.: 330 MBA:60 |
169 | 333 | Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), EN(30), IT(120) MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 390 MBA:60 |
170 | 334 | Rishi Chadha Visvas Girls Institute of Technology for Women, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(60), EN(60), IT(90), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 300 MBA:60 |
171 | 335 | Shamli Institute of Engineering & Technology, Shamli-Karnal Road, Jhinjhana, Shamli, Muzafarnagar | CS(90), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 270 MBA(60) |
172 | 336 | Roorkee Engineering & Management Technology Institute, 8 km. Shamli -Panipat Road, Shamli, Muzafarnagar | CS(120), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60),ME (60) MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
173 | 337 | R.B. Institute of Technology, Jalesar Road, Agra | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(90), ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 330 MBA:60 |
174 | 338 | K.P. Engineering College, Etmadpur, Agra | CS(60), EC(120), EE(60), ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA: 60 |
175 | 339 | ACN College of Engineering & Management Studies, Kasimpur Road, Vill.- Cherrat, Aligarh | CE(60), CS(60), CH(60), EC(60),IT(60), ME(60),AG(60),EE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA: 60 |
176 | 340 | Vivekanand College of Technology & Management, Near Khair Road, Aligarh | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), EE(60),MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
177 | 341 | Institute of Technology Management, Aligarh-Palwal-Delhi Road, Karsua, Aligarh | CS(90), CE(60),EC(90), IT(60), ME(60), EE(60),MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA: 60 |
178 | 344 | Shri Gopi Chand Institute of Technology & Management, Baghpat | CE(60),CS(60), ME(60), EN(60), IT(60) | B.Tech.: 300 |
179 | 356 | Sri Krishna Yogi Raj Technical Institute, Ratibhanpur, Hathras | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 240 MBA:60 |
180 | 365 | Ganeshi Lal Narayandas Agarwal Institute of Technology, 17 km., Mathura-Delhi Highway, Mathura | CS(120), CE(60), EC(60), IT(60) | B.Tech.: 360 |
181 | 366 | Nikhil Institute of Engineering & Management, Hatawali Road, Farah, Mathura | CE(60),CS(60), EC(90), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 390 MBA:60 |
182 | 367 | Bon Maharaj Engineering College, Brindawan, Mathura | CS(120), EC(60), ME(120), IT(60),CE(60) MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60 |
183 | 368 | Excel Institute of Management & Technology, Chhata, Mathura | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), EE(60),AU(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60 |
184 | 369 | IAMR College of Engineering, Meerut-Baghpat Road, Oanchli Khurd, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech.: 300 |
185 | 370 | Shanti Institute of Technology, Kurali, Baghpat Road, Meerut | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), EE(60),MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
186 | 371 | IIMT Institute of Engineering & Technology , Ganganagar, Meerut | CS(60), EC(120), EN(60), IT(60), ME(180), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 480 MBA:60,MCA:60 |
187 | 372 | Kishan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60),ME(60), MCA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MCA: 60 |
188 | 373 | Neelkanth Institute of Technology, Pawli Khas, Modipuram, Meerut | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60),MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
189 | 374 | Rishi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Partapur, Meerut | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 300 MBA:60 |
190 | 375 | Shree Banke Bihari Institute of Technology, Meerut-Hapur Bypass, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60) | B.Tech.: 240 |
191 | 376 | Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pawlikhas, Modipuram, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60),ME(60) | B.Tech.: 300 |
192 | 377 | Gyan Bharti Institute of Technology, Partapur Bypass Road, Meerut | CE,(60),CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60),AU(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
193 | 380 | Modinagar Institute of Technology, Niwari Road, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(90), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA:60 |
194 | 381 | Krishna Institute of Management & Technology, Vill. Mauza, Bhainsiya, Moradabad | CS(120), EC(120), ME(120), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420 MBA:60 |
195 | 389 | Oxford College of Pharmacy, Mussori - Gulawati, NTPC Road, Ghaziabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
196 | 394 | College of Business Studies, Sikandara, Agra | MBA(120) | MBA : 120 |
197 | 395 | V.Tech Institute Of Integrated Technology, Bulandshahar | MBA(60) | MBA : 60 |
198 | 401 | R K G Chandrakanta College of Management & Technology for Women, Garhmuketshwar, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA : 60 |
199 | 404 | Indradev Institute of Education & Technology, Baghpat | MBA(60) | MBA : 60 |
200 | 405 | Aryabhatt College of Management & Technology, Baghpat | MBA(120) | MBA : 120 |
201 | 407 | Shree Bankey Bihari Institute of Management, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA : 60 |
202 | 410 | R.S.D. Academy , College of Management & Technology, Moradabad | MBA(60) | MBA : 60 |
203 | 412 | Aryan Institute of Technology, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), CE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 330 MBA: 60 |
204 | 413 | Vedant Institute of Management & Technology, Garhmukteshwar, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60). | B.Tech.: 360 |
205 | 414 | Bhagwati Institute of Technology & Science, Masuri, Ghaziabad | CS(120), EC(120), ME(120), IT(60), EN(60),CE(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 540, MBA: 60 |
206 | 415 | Alpine College of Engineering, Dadri, Gautam Budh Nagar | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60) | B.Tech.: 300 |
207 | 416 | GNIT Girls Institute of Technology, Greater Noida | CS(120), EC(120), EN(60), IT(120), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 420, MBA: 60 |
208 | 424 | Institute of Advance Management & Technology, Merrut | CS(60), EI(60), EC(60), IT(60) | B.Tech.: 240 |
209 | 425 | Meerut International Institute of Technology, Merrut | CE(60), CS(60), EC(60), EE(60),ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 360 MBA: 60 |
210 | 426 | Doon College of Engineering & Technology, Saharanpur | CS(90), EC(60), EN(60), IT(60), ME(60),CE(60),MBA(60),MCA:60 | B.Tech.:390 MBA: 60,MCA:60 |
211 | 436 | K.P. College of Management, Agra. | MBA: 120 | MBA: 120 |
212 | 438 | Vivek College of Management & Technology, Bijnore | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
213 | 439 | Mewar Girls Business School, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad | MBA(180) | MBA: 180 |
214 | 443 | Excel School of Business, Mathura. | MBA(180) | MBA(180) |
215 | 444 | Mahaveer Institute of Technology, Sardhana Road, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
216 | 445 | Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute, Sikri Kalan, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
217 | 448 | Neelam College of Engineering & Technology, Kirawali, Agra | CS(60), EC(60), CE(60),ME(60), IT(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech.: 300 MBA: 60 |
218 | 449 | K.S. Jain Institute of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), ME(60), IT(60), EE(60). | B.Tech.: 360 |
219 | 458 | I.E.C. College of Engineering & Technology (MCA Institute), G.B.Nagar | MCA(120) | MCA: 120 |
220 | 459 | Academy of Business & Engg. Sciences (MCA Institute), Ghaziabad | MCA(120) MBA (2nd Shift) | MCA: 120, (2nd Shift) MBA:60 |
221 | 460 | Anupama College of Engineering, Etmadpur, Agra | CS(60), EE(60), ME(60), EC(60) | B.Tech.: 240 |
222 | 463 | NIMT Mahila Techinal College for Pharmacy, Greater Noida | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
223 | 464 | NIMT Mahila Techinal College for Hotel Management & Catering Tech., Gr. Noida | HM(60) | B.HMCT: 60 |
224 | 468 | Satyam College of Engineering, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | CS(60), EC(120), IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 360 |
225 | 469 | Satyam College of Management, NH-24, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
226 | 471 | Eshan College of Engineering, Agra-Mathura Highway, Mathura | CS(60), EE(60)EC(60), CE(120), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
227 | 477 | Sunder Deep College of Engineering and Research Centre, Ghaziabad (Co-Education) | CS(60), EC(120), EN(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
228 | 478 | ACME College of Engineering, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
229 | 480 | North India Institute of Technoloy, Nazibabad, Bijnore | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), CE(60) , ME(60) , EE(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
230 | 481 | KLS institute oF Engineering & Technology, Vill- khudaheri, Bijnore -Haridwar Road, Bijnore | CS(60), EC(60), CE(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 360 |
231 | 482 | Millennium Institute of Technology, , Muzaffarabad, Saharanpur | CS(60), CE(60),EC(60), IT(60), ME(120), AU(60). | B.Tech: 420 |
232 | 487 | Panchwati Institute of Engineering & Technology, Delhi- Hardwar Bypass, Meerut | CS(120), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60),EN(60). | B.Tech: 360 |
233 | 488 | Shri Nath Ji Institute for Technical Education, Vill-Ghat, Delhi- Roorkee Bypass, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), CE(60),EN(60),IT(60), ME(60),AU(60). | B.Tech: 420 |
234 | 489 | Dr. Z.H. Institute of Technology & Management, Firozabad | CS(60), EC(60), CE(120), ME(60),AG(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
235 | 491 | Shri Ram Institute of Technology, Jatoli, Meerut | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
236 | 492 | KCC Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida | CS(60), CE(60), EC(120),IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 420 |
237 | 493 | Maharaja Agarsen College of Engineering & Technology, Dhanaura, Gajraula, J.P. Nagar | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60),IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 420 |
238 | 494 | Sri Sri Institute of Technology and Management, Kashganj, Kanshiram Nagar | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 240 |
239 | 496 | FIT Engineering College, Kaseru Buxar, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 240 |
240 | 497 | OM Sai Institute of Technology & Science, Baghpat | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60), EN(60), CE(60). | B.Tech: 360 |
241 | 498 | Delhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Partapur Bypass, Meerut | AI(60),CE(60),CS(60), EC(60),ME(120), AU(60). | B.Tech: 420 |
242 | 499 | Veer Kunwar Institute of Technology, Nagina Road, Bijnor | CS(60), CE(60),EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
243 | 500 | Trident Education Trust's Group of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering, Marta, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(60), EC(120), IT(60),EE(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 420 |
244 | 501 | R.V. Institute of Technology, Bijnor | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), EE(60),ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
245 | 502 | Dev Bhoomi Groups of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering, Saharanpur. | CS(60), CE(60),EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
246 | 503 | P.K. Institute of Technology & Management, Birhana, Mathura | AG(60),CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
247 | 506 | International College of Engineering, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad | CS(60), CE(60),EC(120), IT(60), ME(60), AU(60). | B.Tech: 420 |
248 | 507 | R.D. Foundations Group of Institutions, Faculty of Engineering, Kadrabad, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CS(60), EC(120), IT(60), EN(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 420 |
249 | 509 | Shri Girraj Maharaj College of Engineering & Management, Mudesi, Mathura | CE(60),CS(60),ME(60), EC(60), IT(60), | B.Tech: 300 |
250 | 510 | Trident Education Trust's Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Morta - Delhi Meerut Road, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
251 | 511 | G.L. Bajaj Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mathura | CE(60),CS(60), EC(120), IT(60), ME(60) B.Arch:80 | B.Tech: 360 B.Arch:80 |
252 | 512 | MASS College of Engineering and Management, Hathras, Mahamaya Nagar | CS(60), CE(60),EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
253 | 514 | Shanti Niketan Trust's Group of Institutions , Mohiuddinpur, Meerut | CS(60), CE(60),EC(60), IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 360 |
254 | 515 | Dr. K.N. Modi Girls Engineering College, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | CS(90), EC(60), IT(90), EN(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
255 | 518 | SSLD Varshney Girls Engineering college, Aligarh - Kanpur G.T. Road, Aligarh | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), AI(60), EN(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
256 | 519 | Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Gram - Parsoon, Dasna, Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(120), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
257 | 520 | Indraprastha Institute of Management & Technology, Saharanpur | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60),EE(60), IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 420 |
258 | 521 | Kothiwal Institute of Technology & Professional Studies, Pachokara Haridwar Road, Moradabad | CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(120) | B.Tech: 420 |
259 | 524 | Vision Institute of Technology, Shahpur Madrak, Aligarh | AG(60),CE(60),CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
260 | 528 | Ram-Eash Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Greater Noida | CS(90), EC(90), IT(90) | B.Tech: 270 |
261 | 532 | Murli Manohar Agarwal Institute of Technology, Akbarpur, Mathura | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 240 |
262 | 533 | R.V. Northland Institute of Management, Dadri, G.B.Nagar | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
263 | 536 | Shree Jee Baba Institute of Professional Studies, Semari Chata, Mathura | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
264 | 537 | V.K. Jain Institute of Management, Gohra, Kashganj, Kansiram nagar | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
265 | 540 | Krishna Institute of Management, Bana, Mawana Road, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
266 | 541 | Amardeep College of Engineering & Management, Firozabad | CE(60),EE(60),CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 360 |
267 | 542 | Shri Krishan College of Engineering, Sinhwali Ahir , Bagpat | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), EN(60) | B.Tech: 240 |
268 | 543 | Baba Kadhera Singh College of Engineering & Technology, Sonkh – Goverdhan Road, Mathura | CE(60),CS(60), ET(60), IT(60), ME(60) | B.Tech: 300 |
269 | 544 | Kalka Engineering College, Partapur Bypass Road, Meerut | CS(60), EC(60), IT(60), EN(60) | B.Tech: 240 |
270 | 547 | Chaudhary Beeri Singh College of Engineering & Management, Near Peeli Pokhar,Teh.- Etmadpur, Agra | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60),IT(60), ME(60), CE(120). | B.Tech: 420 |
271 | 548 | Dewan V.S. Institute of Hotel Management & Technology, Meerut | HM(60) | B.HMCT: 60 |
272 | 549 | Radha Govind Institute of Pharmacy, Moradabad-Chandausi Road, Moradabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
273 | 557 | Shanti Niketan Trust's Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Mohiuddinpur, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
274 | 560 | Adharshila College of Management Studies, Kandhani, Agra Road, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
275 | 561 | Hari College of Management, Gagalheri, Saharanpur | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
276 | 562 | Sri Ram Institute of Management & Technology, Roorkee Road, M.Nagar | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
277 | 564 | Vidyadeep Institute of Management, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
278 | 565 | Shri Giriraj Maharaj College, Near Govardhan, Krishna Nagar, Mathura | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
279 | 573 | Shivdan Singh Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Aligarh | HM(60) | B.HMCT: 60 |
280 | 574 | KNGD Modi Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
281 | 578 | Lord Krishna College of Management, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
282 | 579 | HLM College, 11 km. Delhi-Meerut Road, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
283 | 580 | H.R. Institute of Professional Studies, Morta, Ghaziabad | MCA(60), Evening MBA(60) | MCA: 60, Evening MBA(60) |
284 | 581 | Shri Giriraj Maharaj Institute of Management, Mundesi Kosi Khurd, Mathura | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
285 | 586 | Uttrakhand Uthan Samiti Group of Institutions, Faculty of Computer Application, Saharanpur | MCA(60) | MCA: 60 |
286 | 587 | RD Foundations's Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Morta, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
287 | 588 | Prince Institute of Innovative Technology, Gr. Noida, G.B. Nagar | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
288 | 589 | Asian College of Management, Saun Kheri, Sarsawa, Saharanpur | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
289 | 591 | Triveni Institute of Management Education, Bagpat | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
290 | 592 | Venkateshwara Scholl of Pharmacy, Jatoli, Meerut | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
291 | 593 | Vinayak Vidyapeeth, Pawlikhas, Modipuram, Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
292 | 594 | Apex College of Technical Education, Ghat Partapur, Panchali Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
293 | 596 | Centre for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad | HM(60) | B.HMCT: 60 |
294 | 598 | Moradabad Educational Trust (MET) Group of Institutions, Faculty of Pharmacy, Moradabad | BP(60) | B.Pharm: 60 |
295 | 602 | Aashlar Business School, Mahuan, Near Toll Plaza, Mathura | MBA(180) | MBA: 180 |
296 | 605 | Unnati Management College, Daulatpur, Farah, Mathura | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
297 | 606 | Vidya Institute of Training & Development, Meerut | MCA(60),MBA(60) | MCA: 60,MBA(60) |
298 | 609 | J P School of Business, Salarpur, Jalalpur, Rajpura, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
299 | 610 | ABES Institute of Business Management, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
300 | 611 | Shakumbari College, Meerpur, Sheerpur Khanazadipur, Saharanpur | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
301 | 612 | Braj Institute of Management & Technology, Mathura Road, Aligarh | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
302 | 613 | Institute of Higher Studies, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
303 | 614 | Shree Satya Institute of Management, Lodhipur Rajput, Palbara, Moradabad | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
304 | 615 | Institute of Management Studies, Harona (Gagalheri) Saharanpur | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
305 | 616 | Dhampur Institute of Technology & Management, Bijnor | MCA(60) | MCA: 60 |
306 | 617 | Uttam Institute of Management Studies, Runakta, Kirawali Road , Agra | MBA(120), MBA (60) 2 nd Shift | MBA: 120+60 |
307 | 619 | Baran Institute of Management, Bulandshahar | MBA(60) MBA (60) 2 nd Shift | MBA: 60+60 |
308 | 621 | Dev Bhoomi Groups of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Saharanpur. | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
309 | 622 | Modern Institute of Technology & Management, Duhai, Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
310 | 623 | Bharti Institute of Management & Technology, Kila Road, Rali Chauhan, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
311 | 624 | Al Haj A R Sani Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
312 | 626 | Prakash Deep Institute of Management & Technology, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
313 | 627 | MKRPG Institute of Technology, Bagpat | MBA(60) | MBA: 60 |
314 | 628 | Venketeshwara School of Computer Science, Jatoli, Meerut | MCA(60) | MCA: 60 |
315 | 629 | Greater Noida Institute of Technology (MCA), Gr. Noida | MCA(120) | MCA:120 |
316 | 631 | Moradabad Educational Trust, Group of Institutions, Faculty of B. Architecture, Moradabad | AR(120) | B.Arch.: 120 |
317 | 636 | Saharanpur Institute of Advance Studies, Gokelpur, Saharanpur | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
318 | 638 | Durga Prasad Baljeet Singh College of Computer Application, Anoop Shahar, Bulandshahar | MCA(60) | MCA: 60 |
319 | 639 | Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (MBA Institute), Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA: 120 |
320 | 644 | SVS Group of Institutions, Meerut | CS(60),EC(60),EN(60),CE(60),ME(60), MBA(60) | B.Tech: 300 MBA: 60 |
321 | 645 | Ideal institute of Management & Technology,Ghaziabad | CS(60), EC(60), CE(60), IT(60), ME(60) , CSI(60). | B.Tech.: 360 |
322 | 647 | Indraprasth Institute of Technology,J P Nagar | CS(60), EC(60), CE(60), ME(60),AU(60) | B.Tech.: 300 |
323 | 652 | Jauhar College of Engineering& Technology,Rampur | CS(60), EC(60), EN(60),IT(60). | B.Tech.: 240 |
324 | 654 | Sarvottam Institute of Technology & Management,G. Noida | CH(60),CS(60), CE(60), EC(60), ME(60),AU(60) | B.Tech.: 360 |
325 | 655 | Sanskriti Institute of Management & Technology,Mathura | CS(60), EC(60), FT(60), CE(60), ME(60), AG(60). | B.Tech.: 360 |
326 | 656 | G L Bajaj Group of Institutions,Mathura | AR(80), MBA(60) | B.ARCH(80) MBA:60 |
327 | 659 | Heritage Institute of Hotel & Tourism,Agra | HM(120) | BHMCT:120 |
328 | 663 | KCC Institute of Management,, Gr.Noida | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
329 | 665 | Mujjaffarnagar Institute of Technology, Mujjaffarnagar | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
330 | 668 | Edify Institute of Management & Technology, Mathura | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
331 | 671 | Brahmanand Group of Institutions,BulandShahar | BP(60), HM(120), MBA(120), AR(40) | B.Pharm:60 BHMCT:120 B.ARCH:40 MBA:120 |
332 | 675 | New Era College of Science & Technology, Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA:60 |
333 | 679 | ITERC College of Management, ,Ghaziabad | MBA(60) | MBA:60 |
334 | 681 | Lloyd Business School, Gr. Noida | MBA(60) | MBA:60 |
335 | 682 | BIMT College,Meerut | MCA(60) | MCA:60 |
336 | 684 | GNIT Management School, Gr Noida | MBA(180) | MBA:180 |
337 | 685 | INJ Business School, Gr. Noida | MBA(60) | MBA(60) |
338 | 686 | Accurate Institute of Advanced Management | MBA(180) | MBA:180 |
339 | 689 | Institute of Information Management & Technology, Aligarh,Aligarh | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
340 | 690 | School of Management, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Gautam Buddha nagar. | MBA (120) | MBA (120) |
341 | 691 | C-Impact, Mathura Road, Agra | MBA (120) | MBA (120) |
342 | 692 | Sky Line Institute of Management & Technology,, Gr. Noida,Greater Noida | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
343 | 693 | Sanskriti School of Business, Mathura, Mathura | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
344 | 694 | Sanskriti Institute of Hotel Management,Mathura | HM(120) | BHMCT:120 |
345 | 695 | Shri Ram Group of Colleges,Muzaffarnagar | CE(60),CS(60),EE(60),EC(60),ME(60), MBA(180),AR(80) | B.Tech:300 B.Arch:80 MBA:180 |
346 | 697 | Agra Public College of Technology & Management, Agra | CE(60),CS(60),EC(60),AI(60) MBA(120) | B.Tech:240 MBA:120 |
347 | 698 | Dwarkadhish Research Education & Management School, Saharanpur,Saharanpur | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
348 | 699 | RD Engineering & Management College, Ghaziabad,Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
349 | 700 | ABES Institute of Management, Campus-02, Ghaziabad,Ghaziabad | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
350 | 702 | MIT College of Management, Muradabad,Muradabad | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
351 | 704 | Shree jee Goverdhan Maharaj College of Professional Studies, Mathura,Mathura | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
352 | 705 | JMS Group of Institutions,Ghaziabad | CE(60),CS(60),EC(60),ME(60),AU(60)MBA(120),AR(60) | B.Tech:300 B.Arch:60 MBA:120 |
353 | 706 | Agra Vansthali Mahavidyalaya,Agra | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
354 | 707 | Tirupati Institute of Professional Studies,Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
355 | 708 | SSLD Varshney Institute of Management & Engineering,Aligarh | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
356 | 709 | Gauri Vidyapeeth Business School,Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
357 | 711 | Vshvesareya College of Education, Mawana ,Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
358 | 712 | IIMT College of Management,Gr. Noida | MBA(60) | MBA:60 |
359 | 713 | IIMT Professional College, Meerut. | MBA(120) | MBA(120) |
360 | 716 | Mahaveer Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sardhana Road, Meerut | CE(60), CS(60), ME(60) | B.Tech:180 |
361 | 717 | FMG Academy Group of Institutions, Greater Noida,Greater Noida | MBA(120),MCA (120) | MBA:120,MCA(120) |
362 | 726 | Institute of Mangement & Science, JP Nagar,JP Nagar | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
363 | 728 | Faculty of Management Studies, Meerut College, Meerut. | MBA(60) | MBA(60) |
364 | 729 | Shree Bankey Bihari Institute of Architecture,Meerut | AR(40) | B.Arch:40 |
365 | 730 | Stallian College for Engineering & Technology,Saharanpur | CE(60),CS(60),EC(60), EE(60),ME(60) | B.Tech:300 |
366 | 731 | H. R. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad | CS(60),EC(60),IT(60),ME(60),CE(60) | B.Tech:300 |
367 | 732 | Rudra Group of Institutions, Meerut | MBA(120) | MBA:120 |
368 | 733 | Hierank Business School, Noida | MBA(120) | MBA (120) |
369 | 739 | JRE Group of Institutions Plot no.5,6,7,& 8, Knowledge Park-IV, Greater Noida. | IT(60), CS(60), EC(60), EE(60),EN(60) AI(60) | B.Tech(360) |
370 | 741 | J.K. Institute of Pharmacy and Management, Khurja, Bulandshahr | B.Pharma(60), MBA(60) | B.Pharma(60), MBA(60) |
371 | 742 | Amarjyoti Institute of Management Science, Gatumbudh Nagar | MBA:120 | MBA:120 |
372 | 780 | Landmark Technical Campus Dedoli, Amroha, J.P. Nagar | CE (60), CS: 60, EN:60, EC: 60, ME: 60, MBA: 120 | B.Tech(300), MBA:120 |
373 | 781 | Hardayal Technical Campus Mathura | CS: 60, CE(60),EC: 60, ME: 60, EN: 60, B.Arc: 120, MBA: 120 | B.Tech(300) B.Arch(120) ,MBA (120) |
374 | 782 | Shivam Technical, Khurja, Buland Shaher | CS: 60, EC: 60, ME: 60,CE:60, MBA:60 | B.Tech(240) MBA:60 |
375 | 783 | R.D. Engineering College, Duhai, Ghaziabad | EC:120, ME: 120, CS:120 | B.Tech(360) |
376 | 784 | Rama Engineering Technical Campus, Ghaziabad | Civil: 60, CS: 60, ME: 60, BioTech: 60, MBA: 60 | B.Tech(240) MBA: 60 |
377 | 785 | G & R Institute of Management and Technology, Bhulandshar | MBA: 120 | MBA: 120 |
378 | 786 | Mangalmay Institute of Engineering and Technology, Knowledge Park, Gr. Noida | CS: 60, EC: 60, ME: 60,Civil:60 | B.Tech (240) |
379 | 787 | Dev Technical Campus, Kuberpur, Agra | CS: 60, EC: 60, ME: 60,Civil:60, EE:60, MBA: 120 | (300), MBA: 120 |
380 | 788 | Ideal School of Architecture, Ghaziabad | B.Arch:120 | B.Arch :120 |
381 | 789 | Dayanand Vidhyapeeth Education, meerut | MBA:120 | MBA:120 |
382 | 790 | School of Buisness Management, Khurja Road, Bulanshar | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |
383 | 791 | Disha Bharti College of Management & Educational, Shahranpur | MBA:120 | MBA:120 |
384 | 792 | Institiute of Advanced Management and Research, Ghaziabad | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |
385 | 793 | JIMS Management Technical Campus, Knowledge Park, Greater Noida | CS:60, CE:60, EC:60, ME:60, EE:60 | B.Tech (300) |
386 | 794 | JKEC Instute of Management, Ghaziabad | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |
387 | 795 | DIT School of Business, Gr. Noida | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |
388 | 796 | Adhunik College of Engineering , Duhai, Ghaziabad | CS: 60, EC: 60, ME: 60, CE:60, PE:60 | B.Tech:300 |
389 | 797 | Adhunik Institute of Productivity Management & Research , Ghaziabad | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |
390 | 798 | Anand college of Architecture, Agra. | B.Arch:60 | B.Arch:60 |
391 | 799 | ACE College of Engineering & Management,Etmadpura,Agra. | CS: 60, ECE: 60, ME: 60, CE:60 | B.Tech:240 |
392 | 800 | Jagmohan Institute of Management and Technology, Baghpat | MBA:60 | MBA:60 |