UPTU Vice Chancellor's thought on Teacher's Day 2014

Teacher’s day 2014 in UPTU; Sharing my thoughts by R.K. Khandal Vice Chancellor
R K Khandal
Dear Friends,
On the eve of Teacher’s Day 2014, I am writing this to wish you all in UPTU a very Happy Teacher’s Day 2014

Availing this opportunity I also wish to share some of my thoughts with you all, the members of this great family of UPTU about the role of the teachers in shaping the future of the state and the country. Needless to highlight the concept behind celebrating Teacher’s Day and the reason as to why we do it on 5th of September, but it is pertinent to use this pious occasion to pay respect and regards to all those teachers who contributed towards making our future. With this premise as the preface, I thought it as my sincere duty to express my feelings for the faculty members of UPTU.I hope, my colleagues in various institutions of UPTU as also in UPTU, besides other holders of technical education in U.P. will take my message for taking the university on it’s desired growth path.

1.    Role of Faculty in the growth of UPTU

UPTU is a unique university due to it’s several attributes:
A. A self sustainable welfare university of the state of U.P. dedicated to technical education serving all sections of the society including those from the have-nots.

B. Having presence in almost each and every part of U.P. through it’s affiliated institutes, numbering around 700 of them. This makes it as the largest technical university of the country in terms of the coverage and the number of institutes.

C. With an enrollment of over 450,000 students pursuing their undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programs in different disciplines of technical education gives it the distinction of catering to the needs of youth of U.P. In other words it has been a source of qualified, trained and capable manpower for different sectors of industries.

D. The University has recorded a high level of expansion, yet it has been successful in maintaining the standard of quality of education. It can be said that UPTU has emerged as a leading university of the state of U.P. serving as the breeding center of capable human resource to deal with the challenges before the society, in times to come.

E. It must be mentioned here that the above attributes are the outcome of the contribution from the following sources:

I. Edreprenures who have set up institutions even in the remote rural areas of the state and who have vision to establish the centers of excellence in technical education.

II. Academicians and expert officials of UPTU who have designed the complete systems for operations of the University

III. Talented youth coming from the different parts of the state and the last but not the least

IV. The faculty of UPTU

One may set up all the infrastructure for running technical institutions and the necessary driving forces of technical education may be in place, without the quality of faculty, it will not be possible to make any institution sustainable. This means that the growth registered by UPTU is ascribed mainly to the vital contribution of faculty for their highly valuable role! Without them, institutes cannot receive AICTE approval
and also affiliation from UPTU. Also, without the good faculty, there would be no admissions inspite of the desired approvals and affiliations to run a programme.

2.    Teachers are the drivers of quality:

The need for quality teachers for technical education can never be overemphasized especially in the case of technical education with the advancement of science and technology. One may assume or believe that the education may be imparted through various other tools including those of I.T. But actual fact is completely different. From this, the need for faculty of desired quality is felt more now than it was even before in the past. Rest, innovations to fill the gaps existing in the state of the art technology has become utmost essential in the present context. Unlike in the past, when the output based education leading to the graduates passing out from the university, the education should be outcome based in future to achieve this

Continuous upgradation of curriculum can be done only by those teachers who remain in sync with the trends of technology as well as of the market. There again, one would need teachers having not just the qualification, experience and expertise but also the aptitude to nurture young talent for innovation. In last two years there has been a remarkable growth of PhD registrations. The number of scholars registered during the year 2014-15 has increased three times than that registered during the year 2012-13. This also brings in the contribution of teachers in focus for growth of UPTU. On this Teacher’s Day, let us honor our teachers for their dedicated service for the society and industry.

3. The teachers are responsible for building University as a brand. The students join an institute mainly after seeing the capability of faculty there. The funding agencies also sponsor projects to an institute based on the expertise and experience of its faculty. Industry seeks consultancy only from those institutes having faculty that has proven track record of innovations. Likewise, employers pick up students from the institutes having faculty of eminence.

All this, means that an institute and also University attains a brand value due to the qualified faculty. Thanks to the quality of faculty associated with UPTU which has also been building its brand name all these years because of more than 25,000 faculty members.

Not long ago availability of teachers with post graduate qualification was a major cause of concern for all affiliated institutes of UPTU. Here again, the existing faculty of UPTU introduced several post graduate programs (M.Tech/M.Pharma/M.Arch etc.) especially during the last two years. As a result there is no scarcity of post graduate faculty. This is a perfect example of building brand image through creating capability of producing highly qualified human resource by the faculty of UPTU; we must recognize the contribution of our faculty on this day.

Based on the above discussion as well as keeping in view certain incidents brought to my notice concerning faculty of the institutions of UPTU, I wish to convey some of my thoughts here:

For Management of Institutions:

At the time of approval as also of affiliation certain commitments regarding the number of faculty are made. AICTE gives approval online and at times even without inspection for verifying the facts. Similarly University accords affiliation based on the approvals by AICTE, for example, this year university issued affiliation letters to all the institutes based on the approval by AICTE .

It is mandatory to have desired number of faculty on rolls to remain eligible to run a program. Nowhere there exists a possibility of running a program with less number of teachers on the pretext of low admissions. Thus sacking teachers because admissions are less than the intake cannot be acceptable by the regulators and by the university. If the university has not taken any action on those institutes against whom the complaints of sacking the teachers were received in the past, It should not be assumed that the university is in an agreement with the practice of retrenchment of teachers by the institutes . It is advisable that the institutes remain benevolent when it comes to the recruitment of faculty.

Further, there have been cases of female teachers being removed at the time when they were due for maternity leave. It is not only illegal but it is a also a criminal act on moral grounds in my opinion. It is my sincere request to those chair persons who have removed female teachers in recent past to reinstate them immediately without any prejudice. Let me high light here that female teachers do much better then there counterparts .There are several institutes in UPTU , which have been excelling thanks to the facts that they have high percentage of female teachers . I have been to some of these institutes and was impressed with the overall culture and eco system of education there. Therefore I suggest for hiring female teachers without any prejudices.
I am not in favour of carrying the burden of deadwoods and non performers .

For sustainability it is obvious that teachers must perform but retrenchment must be done in a fairly manner adopting best practices of appraisal. It is advisable to follow stringent norms and procedures for recruitments of teachers , at that stage there should not be any compromise on quality .Please pick up the best from the lot and we are lucky today that there is no derth of good quality teachers for technical education in UP.Confirmation of teachers be done only after ensuring the capability, performance and aptitude of the teacher. Let us not forget that after india sighing the Washington accord it will become absolutely mandatory for all the institutions to implement recruitment and appraisal policy as per the international standards in the near future.

On Teacher’s day lets us recognize the sincere and dedicated efforts of teachers of UPTU for their contribution towards the growth of UPTU in qualitative terms. No one can deny the fact that teaching is most difficult as well as strenuous job.

At the same time teaching is the most pious profession as it requires complete devotion of mind, body and soul. No other profession can match with this and hence let us start treating teachers as our invaluable assets. The image of an institute is built because of the quality of teachers employed there and not on infrastructure etc. If students join an institute after seeing the quality of teachers there, then let us not sack teachers if admissions in a particular year are lower.

For Teachers:

A Teacher is great not because of the package drawn, but because of the respect shown by the students. Each and every teacher should therefore aspire to satisfy the needs of their students. Process of education is never complete unless teaching is accompanied by the component of learning associated with it. Teachers therefore must focus on learning aspect rather than teaching aspect of education. It is a two way process involving interactions with students. The efforts should be made to ignite and trigger the minds of students rather than bombarding them with sentences of information and knowledge. Often there remains a barrier or invisible wall preventing open and frank discussion between students and teachers. Great teachers demolish such walls by their behavior towards students. This helps in facilitating attrition of ideas resulting in new knowledge gained by students as well as by teachers. Let us avoid the tendency of proving ourselves more knowledgeable then students in class. This is not required. Let us aim to involve students in knowledge creation and knowledge gain in order to achieve the goal of great teacher.

I have been noticing that the teachers as well as the management of institutions have the tendency of finding faults with the quality of students . I hear from them during my visits to the institutes that the quality of students has been deteriorating. It is not a good development. Students are the lifeline of any academic institutions and so is the case of UPTU. My only request to all concerned is that we must not be judgmental about the quality of students just seeing their score in the exams of 10+2 . Also we must not rate out students low because they cannot speak good English. Getting students in UPTU is not only the cause of concern of the management of the institutions but it is also for the policy makers of India. The GER of India is less than 20 percent and our target is 30 percent as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter how much marks they secure in 10 + 2 or how good they are in English or Hindi or in any other language, we need them to come into higher education or especially technical education. In such a scenario we must develop the culture and eco systems in our institutions to not only welcome but also to make the lives of our students comfortable during the time they spend at UPTU.

In this period of Kalyug, everyone is preoccupied with the package of salary, teachers are no exception in this regard but I wish to offer a word of caution to them on this subject. Switching job from one institute to other just for some rise in salary even in the middle of the semester is something that is worthy of curse from the management as well as from the students of the institutes. Teachers must refrain from such a curse. Even though it is not visible, a curse can be highly detrimental for competency and excellence of a teacher.

On the Teachers day, it is my sincere advise to all the teachers of UPTU therefore to avoid jumping from one institute to the other and also avoid a change in the middle of the semester. They must rather focus on shaping the future of talented youth studying in an unknown college. This will be more rewarding then yearning to be joining a famous college.

A good teacher always keeps on updating the content as well as methodology of the lectures. For this one must do regular reading of latest literature. It is useful to also write books together with the topper of the college specially to meet the requirements of students who are slow in picking up the difficult aspects of a subject. Writing books for such students is a high impact contribution by a teacher.

For Students:

Teacher’s day is supposed to be the day for students to pay respect and regards to their teachers. I am sure the students celebrate teacher’s day in almost all the institutes of UPTU. I am honored and pleased to bless the students of UPTU on this day. I pray to god all their teachers bless them as well. Students must remember that “Kripa” meaning blessing is the most important and valuable gift that the students must work hard to receive from their teachers. Even though there exists no scientific explanation and theory to describe KRIPA. It is an established fact that without the kripa of their gurus. They cannot achieve goals of their lives.

I understand and agree that all teachers may not be good and all good teachers may not be great but students should not waste time in assessing the quality of their teachers. Each and every teacher tries hard to satisfy the learning desires of students. There is no teacher who spares the knowledge from sharing it with students. All of them try to give away all that they have acquired for the betterment of their students. Thus students must refrain from being the judges of the quality and capability of their teachers. But that does not mean that they should not express their desires of learning to their teachers on one hand and to the management of the college on the other hand. It should only be treated as the feedback of the students rather than anything else .

Students must also focus on gaining the knowledge for the time period they have during their stay in an institute. They must see the world outside as green and not as grey. Even if they are not happy with certain systems facilities or decisions of the management of the institute they must not spend their energies on criticizing them.

They can just send their feed back to the university and leave it at that
I hope the students of UPTU appreciate my concern for them and for their bright future.

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