What I learnt from Bill Gates

You all know about the BILL GATES and you listen about him so much things but You don't know that which I'm sharing with you in this article. This is an also a motivational article. And you might like it. This is the article which is share by Admin of EntranceExamCareersinfo. I hope this info are useful and interesting for you. We are share this article on btechallsolutions.com

Bill Gates
June 27 2008 marked a day that will go down in history, Bill Gates, the Founder Chairman of Microsoft, and the richest man in the world retired as Executive chairman of the company. The world wrote about the legendary man, and how he created a revolution in the industry. He has been my idol for many years, and one person I look up to, in life. So I thought this is the right to time to write about what I learnt from Mr. Bill Gates. Take this as a motivation for your self & for your career.

Start Early: Bill Gates started programming, when he was just thirteen, it pays to start early. This gives you enough time to learn, and even if you make mistakes, you have to time to rectify them.

Work hard: Take my word, life is not easy and it would never be, if you do not work hard, you have to work towards your success.In his early days, young Bill would spend several sleepless nights programming, not even realizing that he had not slept for days.

Believe in your self: Self Belief and Confidence are vital to success. Confidence leads to others believing in you & your ideas. Bill Gates left his college as a freshman to pursue his vision of  “One Computer on every desk” That kind of decision requires courage and a great amount of self Belief.

Be a visionary: You need to spot the trend, think futuristic and be ahead of times, Bill Gates surely is a visionary, he read about computers in a Monthly electronics magazine, and realized that this is the next big thing, and started working on the idea, he created the “Basic” Interpreter for the
Altair platform (legacy computing platform).

Use of resources to the maximum: Bill Gates was born in a wealthy family, which allowed him to attend a private school. The school could afford to buy an ASR-33 teletype terminal (A latest computer of that time).
This is here when young Bill, got interested in the Computer programming, and like they say “Rest is History”. The point I want to make is, there are many of us who are rich, or live comfortably, but how many of us, utilize our wealth to get us going ahead in life, hence use your time, money, efforts in the right direction and utilize your resources to the maximum.

Keep yourself cool: Life is not always easy, and there are some tough situations, one needs to keep his cool. Just imagine a day in MR. Gates life, trying to manage the biggest software company in the world. The completion is cut throat, a wrong decision and you could end of loosing billions of dollars,
Times like these require a person to keeps his cool and make fruitful decisions.

Create a Revolution: This is the most important of all, What ever you may do, create or be a part of a revolution, do some thing so path breaking that people would remember you even after you are gone. Bill is one of those people, his efforts in the computing industry are revolutionary and he is definitely a legend, in his own right.

Note: According to the latest Forbes list of Billionaires  Bill Gates is the Richest Man in the world with a personal net worth of $ 40 billion.
Update: The Richest Person list are changes time to time.

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