Disable Right Click method with/without JavaScript

Right click on any internet browser is very important element and we must use it when it comes to copy or editing texts and etc. It’s very important when it comes to webmasters too. but some people may use it in a bad way, and you may want to make click right disabled on your blog. to protect you text, images links and etc.

But Main topic is that which is good for the blogger/website from below them.
    So Some Questions are arises in my mind when i write this article.

    How do I disable right click on my web page?
    Can I disable right click on my web page without using Javascript? I ask this because most browsers allow user to disable Javascript.
    You can do so with Javascript and/or an HTML attribute (which is really a Javascript event handler anyway)

    <script language="javascript">
    status="Right Click Disabled";
    Function disableclick(e)
    return false; 
    and finally,

    <body oncontextmenu="return false">

    That being said: DON'T DO IT.

     Which method use or not

    You can use only with Javascript method.
    And prevent yourself to using RETURN FALSE Method.

    Because it achieves nothing other than annoying users. Also many browsers have a security option to disallow disabling of the right click (context) menu anyway. Not sure why you'd want to. If it's out of some misplaced belief that you can protect your source code or images that way, think again.

     This was all about how to "Disable Right Click method with/without JavaScript". Please post your valuable feedback through comments. I tried my best to explain this tutorial but still if you have any doubt then feel free to ask me. Thanks!

    Tags and Keywords 
    right click disabed with javascript, disable right click, right click not work, remove right click from blogger, save blogger contents, right click disabled, right click not working, hide right click

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