1. Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located in the State of Uttar Pradesh and who do not claim for any reserved category are eligible for admission to all the courses at all the institutions against available General (OPEN) seats (No certificate required) [Code: UPGE] |
2.Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located in State of U.P. and are domicile of U.P. and belong to Schedule Caste (SC) of U.P. / Schedule Tribe (ST) of U.P. / Other Backward Classes of U.P. are eligible for admission against available reserved seats of their category.(Certificate no. 1 or 2 as applicable is required) [Respective Codes: UPSC/UPST/UPBC] |
3.Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside U.P.; and whose parents are domicile of U.P.; and who have not claimed for any reserved category, are also eligible for admission to courses offered at all institutions under General (OPEN) category. Such candidate has to produce the domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) at the time of counselling (Certificate no. 3) [Code:UPGD] |
4.Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside UP., whose parents are domicile of UP. and who belong to Schedule Caste of UP./Schedule Tribe of UP./Other Backward classes of UP. are also eligible for admission against reserved seats of their category. Such candidate has to produce the domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only)( Certificate no. 3) and category Certificate(no.1 or 2 as applicable) the time of counselling. [Respective Codes: GDSC/GDST/GDBC] |
5. The domicile requirement to son/daughter of following is relaxed and admission is permitted to such: defence personnel settled in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination after retirement / being disabled in action or Defence personnel killed in action and the dependents settled in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination. Certificate no. 5 is required. defense personnel who are not domicile of U.P., but are posted in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination. Certificate no. 5 is required. employee of All India Services belonging to U. P. cadre. Certificate no. 11 is required. [Code:GDDA] |
6. Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside U.P.; and whose parents are NOT domicile of U.P.and who have not claimed for any reserved category, are eligible for admission to All India seats at all private institutions under General (OPEN) category. [Code : OSGE] |
7. Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside U.P.; and whose parents are NOT domicile of U.P.and who have claimed for any reserved category (SC/ ST/ OBC), are eligible for admission to All India seats at all private institutions under reserved category. Such candidates will have to produce the certificate of reservation claimed at the time of counseling. [Code : OSSC/ OSST/ OSBC] Proforma of various certificates are available in Appendix – C. (of UPSEE-2012 Brochure) |
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